to add to the list of all the other crochet things I’m obsessed with.
I’ve been admiring tapestry crochet bags for a while, they have colourful patterns and amazing designs. They originate (as far as I can see) from this group of Latin American people. Their work is amazing. So as I want to learn every crochet technique known to human kind, I decided to have a go.
Pinterest and youtube have lots of excellent resources for the methods of making the bags and lots of great advice about them too.
This youtube playlist from All Tapestry Crochet is an excellent starting point for anyone wanting to have a go.
And Pinterest has *a lot* of image resources, this is just a few for example.
I’ve used this technique to design my own pattern, not in the traditional style but my own twist. I’m going to write it up and put it on Ravelry ASAP. I’ll post photos as soon as I have decided how I’m going to make the strap for it. I’m quite excited about it.
P.S. The base is the photo for this post.